Voicing Voices
Turkey / 2021 / 79 min
In Kurdish and Turkish with English subtitles

Part of a programme initiated by Turkish cultural institutions Anadolu Kültür and Diyarbakir Arts Centre, which aims to bridge differences between ethnic groups in the country through art, this is a collection of short films directed by 12 women in Diyarbakir, Mardin and the Kurdish-majority city Batman. Each film is a unique gaze at the spaces and characters that occupy these cities, creating a diverse portrait of everyday life in the Kurdish regions in Turkey. They include stories about a day in the life of a residential complex, a pond that used to be a city before a dam was built, a demolished theatre named after the legendary filmmaker Yilmaz Güney, and an artist who uses old photographs to recall a lost neighbourhood.

Aylin Kızıl, Berivan Bagı, Berivan Karatorak, Evindar Tokur, Fatma Çelik, Fatoş Güneri, Mediha Güzelgün, Nalin Acar, Rozerin Tadik, Semiha Yıldız, Sibel Öğe, Zelal Sadak
30/10 1:30PM Broadway The ONE
* 04/11 7:15PM Broadway Cinematheque