07 Nov 2023
Gala Presentations - Once in a Blue Moon



The creative team of Once in a Blue Moon -- director and producer Andy Lo, lead cast Gladys Li, Chan Charm-man Peter, Loletta Lee and Sumling Li attended the Q&A sessions post-screening of the film to share their experience with fans and film buffs.

Full of laughter and tears, the story is a heart-warming sketch about family relationships, depicting how the secrets between a family of three affect each other. Andy Lo shared that he believes everyone has secrets that are difficult to reveal. Even if they refuse to admit it, it is not necessarily a bad thing, and their wish should still be respected. Lead actress Gladys Li stated that her character in the film grows rapidly through each relationship, and she feels a sense of confusion every time she loses someone. Li believd that the audience would resonate with her character. Loletta Lee, who plays Gladys Li's mother in the film, also shared that it was the first time for her to have married twice and have one child from each of the marriages in a single movie. She thanked the director for giving her this opportunity to perform, and also thanked everyone for their understanding towards her foot injury right before the filming started. 

Chan Charm-man Peter, who plays the elder brother, said that he contributed many first tries to the film: performing as an elder brother, playing the role of Sumling's husband, and especially his first time singing in a film, so he was very anxious about the audience's reaction to it. Sumling Li, who debuted as a film actress, also shared her experience playing the role of Peter's wife in the film, and thanked him for his guidance which inspired her to improvise on set.

